Better browser ever before by Tracking.js ..
We usually built our web applications and websites with different frameworks but finally we ended up with browser and therefore with JavaScript. To make more powerful effects; to bring modern approach for computer vision on web; and to run lightweight script in a browser so we started using tracking.js.
Tracking.js offers multiple algorithms and varied techniques to our browsers.We can do real time colour tracking, face detection and more by using HTML5 with this script. It has features like facial detection, color tracking, drawing and more.
Everyone enjoys to use this for its stupendous performance like detect faces and track colors. However, it is not limited to these functions rather your innovative power and your browser can bring intuitive interface with tracking.js.
Tracking.js replaced the open CV, since open CV supports the C++, C, Python and Java interfaces. But in case of Tracking.js it supports and adapts to the clients side and it very easy to implement.
This supports its core functionality and improve the performance of Real-time applications on the web like face detection etc..
Friend tagging helps to implement our lovely friends in their browsers, so this tagging is not only on Facebook, yet makes highly enjoyable.
With tracking.js, you can benefit more from a little powerful script in a browser. Despite of using a face detection tool for a web app or to develop a browser game, or a tagging feature, functional tracking.js can be the ultimate JavaScript library to end up.
The browser is absolutely the ultimate future platform. With tracking.js huge things will happen to change our modern world to be smart. Of course, such transformation will occur in your own browser.