The Rise of Virtual and Augmented Reality in E-Commerce
The technologies like Artificial Intelligence today are contributing to the industry with many enhanced tools and features. These tools and features are there to enhance the user-friendly experience and working process of many platforms in the industry. AI-based technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are doing major improvements in the working process and user interface enhancements in the field of eLearning, eCommerce, and even custom idea-based platforms. These technologies are well advanced and safer to use as all they do is take the ideas into reality through the digital interface using 3D graphic actions. Today we are talking more about the E-commerce industry and here we are discussing the possibilities and enhancements with AR and VR in the eCommerce marketplace.
First, take a look at the introduction of both the technologies-
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality is the AI-based technology that can be used in any process where you need a digital interface to showcase 3D objects using smartphones or tablets. Augmented Reality is all about showing users the exact theories in reality. Today we are using AR in eCommerce, eLearning, etc to give users the feel of the exact product or service virtually through responsive images and videos.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality is the next level technology than Augmented Reality as here users are required to wear VR headsets where they can experience certain 360 Degree responsive videos and images to take the feel of different reality with enhanced graphics and audio. Today we are using this technology to give users the experience of new things, fantasies, entertainment, and much more.
Augmented Reality in Ecommerce
Augmented Reality in eCommerce today is much successful and proven technology. As we can see in platforms such as Lenskart, Ikea, etc, The platforms are giving users the exact feel of a product without using any high-end equipment but only a digital interface. For Instance in IKEA, You can explore furniture as per your liking using the AR interface and exactly experience how it would look in an hour house or office. Today AR is revolutionizing the eCommerce industry. You can imagine the scope and rise of this technology eCommerce with the fact that in near future, The users will switch to the eCommerce platforms that allow them to experience the product first through AR as it gives them confidence in their purchase.
Virtual Reality In Ecommerce
Virtual Reality does require you to own the special headsets but it is also a promising and rising tool to use to attract more users to the platform. Everybody likes the fascinating virtual experience, especially when they buy the product online. The eCommerce industry working in niche markets can use this technology to enhance their user-friendly experience. This would grow their sales by many times as it gives users the assurance about the product or service in real-time. Also, It decreases the chance of returns in eCommerce.
How would you get AR and VR in the eCommerce Marketplace?
The PazerPlus is your key to get all these high-end technologies and tools to boost your eCommerce marketplace. It is basically the high-end Etsy clone script that allows you to develop your eCommerce marketplace with high-end readymade and customized tools and features available in the market. PazerPlus is designed and developed by BSEtec to serve the new entrepreneurs with the tools they desire to offer their targeted audience. This Etsy clone script is designed perfectly with the high-end back-end technologies to work fully functional all the time and it is loaded with AI-based tools to enhance its working.
You can get your eCommerce marketplace developed with the technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in a matter of hours using the PazerPlus and even at an affordable cost. Checkout the additional benefits and available offers to get started today with the PazerPlus.