BSEtec Is All Set To Release JOBPLUS !
BSEtec team is overwhelmed, as we are all set again to release another all new script – the JOBPLUS, it is an exclusive online job portal management system. The most interesting part of JobPlus is, it includes ‘online educational management and job’ simultaneously.
Our web engineers have extracted all the essential features from the world class job portal sites like Jobberman, Monster, Naukri etc, and incorporated them in JOBPORTAL, to make it a unique script with plenty of useful functionalities.
Eventually, you can start an all new online job portal site that is packed with the advanced features and user friendly tools. With these latest tools, you can satisfy both the job seekers and the employers, at the same time. It enhances the user experience and brings ultimate satisfaction to the users.
Job plus is designed with Bootstrap technique in the CSS framework. This technique is designed to help you develop new web apps for your sites and its responsive layout allows the users to access the website in all the devices.
We have developed the JOBPLUS with the advanced Laravel framework, to offer a range of services. It supports to install third party plugins using composer and caches help to increase the user accessibility without any delay in the website. Activity logs feature at backend helps the admin to monitor every activity of the user.
An Admin panel is more powerful with the pie diagram representation, job package sales chart, course list, payment settings, job settings, email templates, language settings etc…
Appealing features in job website script make you build a wholesome job portal business site, within no time. Some important features are listed below:
o Advertisement management
o Package management
o Browse the resume/ CVs database
o Jobs and applications
o Job questionnaires
o Orders listing
o Invoice generation
o Job alerts
o Search and browse the job
o Newsletters
o Report abuse
o Success stories
We expect your continuous support to make JOBPLUS a grand success.