Improve your reach and revenue through bsetec liveplus solution during a pandemic
This year has seen a major shut down in all production, obviously because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leave out the concerts and dazzling events, even everyday activities that run people and aids money-rotation have come to halt. If half the population is suffering an economic crisis, almost three quarters suffer mental depression and anxiety, worrying about the present and being concerned about the future.
Besides the raise in the COVID-19 cases, there is a surge in the number of people committing suicide due to various reasons. To combat this situation, a lot of people have volunteered to help people in fighting the fear by organising free concerts through live-streaming apps, jamming session and the like. The leisure activities that we had earlier to gratify ourselves are not available. But one good thing that is happening is that we have a lot of self-realisation, more family time and less pollution. As most of us have the internet, we could somehow manage the crisis and stay sane.
Until the pandemic which has caused a mental calamity in all of us subsides, we should look for alternative ways to engage ourselves. It could be done by engaging in our old hobbies and activities, teaching or freelancing. A lot of people have started online classes, especially tutors and trainers. While some of them do it through video-conferencing, others just go live through live video streaming apps. So you could establish a platform for the people who are highly talented and have a huge fan base or even the people who lack recognition yet have a great potential to shine.
According to a recent survey, about 80 per cent of people would rather watch a live video than reading a blog. And times like the pandemic have become the reason for the increased use of smartphones. Live streaming apps have a great number of users than ever before. The reason as discussed earlier is that none of us can go out. Be it to do yoga or gym workout, cooking, having a chat with celebrities, everything is possible with the live streaming app. Even some online channels live stream news through such apps. So, you can build your unique selling proposition and emerge as an outstanding live streaming app with the help of live video clone scripts. Video streaming needs various requisites that can be availed from bigo live clone like Live Plus. You can optimise the business and reach out to the masses by offering various features and seamless streaming quality.
We could witness that the past month of June was celebrated as the #pride month, promoting the LGBTQ community. A lot of intrinsic activities were planned back in March, but the pandemic towed all the efforts and we ended up celebrating through online platforms. Hashtags and slogans started trending and a lot of online activities were themed based on the Pride month. It is evident that social media is a powerful tool and live streaming is an equally powerful component that can reach millions within a fraction of a second.
So, you can conceptualise something unique and new and incorporate the same into the live streaming app. To create yours, check out the Live Plus demo app and get started with the help of BSEtec IT solutions company.