Live Streaming on Facebook, twitter is creating network issues. Start your live streaming with our Live Plus.
Network issues in Live Streaming apps are quite common depending on the number of users which leads to network congestion. Or the user may not have the adequate bandwidth necessary for quality live streaming. In BSEtec, we try our best to make our Live streaming PHP script more reliable, safe and avoid latency. Live streaming is a safe and best option heeding to public safety and healthcare during COVID, and giving us an opportunity to digitally tackle the physical distance.
Entertainment has faced a paradigm shift. Religious services, live-streamed music events from the artists living rooms, fitness and cooking live streams and other virtual gatherings through live streaming apps have become far-reaching. Many non-profit, corporate and government organisations, are all contributing and playing their part by spreading awareness by live streaming. And we do our part by providing people with a quality live streaming app, LivePlus without any hitches.
This social distancing has affected many work environments, which is why we need to have a contingency plan. Live-streaming is a groundbreaking and futuristic approach, focusing on rejuvenating communication and for multiple social streaming in a cost-effective way. Not only can you amplify your outreach, you get to know your audiences preferences. To get your own live-streaming app, reach BSEtec.