BSEtec Archive

Benefits Of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are digital contracts between multiple parties who want to come to a deal or contract. Smart contracts, though they are in their infancy, it is estimated that they can disrupt the way we sign agreements and deals within a span of 3 years. So, let’s gear up and get an insight about what

How Smart Contract Works In Blockchain

Blockchain is the new buzz word? Neither we the normies or celebrities can never shy away from the blockchain and NFT trend nor the businesses! Many industries and enterprises are looking for ways to implement blockchain into their existing systems to leverage the power of distributed ledger technology. Smart contracts are one of the major

What Is Augmented Reality? Why Businesses Need An AR Strategy?

While many people are familiar with straightforward augmented reality (AR) entertainment apps like Snapchat filters and the game Pokémon Go, augmented reality (AR) is being used in much more significant ways in both consumer and business-to-business situations. But what is the big deal? Can AR apps change industries and bring real value? See how augmented

Why Blockchain Technology Will Change the World

The one thing that makes blockchain powerful is provenance, ranking first in terms of its capacity to create economic value, according to PwC market research. By 2030, PwC estimates that this will increase the global GDP by $962 billion. Here is a list of use cases for how and why blockchain technology and blockchain services will

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