Launch your Udemy Clone App – Start Online Tutoring Business
Launched more than a decade ago, Udemy has secured a leading position in the online tutoring business marketplace. In this digital era, people are dependent on technology and gadgets for almost anything– even education. When it comes to online learning or eLearning, which is considered to be a savior– for being able to sustain the educational ecosystem even in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become a platform booming with possibilities, not only for the students but for the tutors, educators and instructors as well. Furthermore, the flexibility and personalization provided by online tutoring software are unmatched as compared to traditional methods of education. Therefore, it is slowly and steadily becoming an integral part of the learning process, which is exactly why eLearning is here to stay– even after the pandemic is over. This has created an immense spike in the numbers of eLearning apps and sites and most companies are opting for Udemy Clone App instead of going through the hassle of from-the-scratch development.
How to Start my own Online Tutoring Business?
So, to launch an online tutoring marketplace like Udemy using the Udemy Clone App script, you have to keep these points in mind –
- Define your target audience– Before you develop your Learning Management System, you need to focus on the people of which age group are you going to serve, or what is their background, or what kind of job they want to focus on, what are their career goals– these are some traits that you need to keep in mind before you start the development process. So, you need to be clear about who you are creating this app for.
- Have a definite set of goals and objectives– If you are developing an app for eLearning purposes, then you should have a proper plan and set of objectives in mind. You cannot just leap of faith and jump to conclusions. You need to have both long term and short term goals and implement those objectives into action.
- Have a quick and easy registration process– No one likes to keep lingering onto some registration page for longer than a minute or two– especially if the app is meant for educational purposes. So, it’s very crucial for the user registration, login and signup process to be seamless and easy, which doesn’t take much time. It should have one-tap login or social login options so that the AI can easily read the social account and fill up the details by itself.
- Have an attractive Homepage– “First Impression is the last impression” & “The last impression is the lasting impression” are some popular phrases one might have come across. The moment you click on the app, the first thing that pops up on your screen– is the homepage, and if it’s not attractive enough, one will not like to use the app, quite evidently. Therefore, the interface must be user-friendly and have a great visual appeal.
- Customize and revise– Once you have started developing the app, you can customize and revise the app according to the user preferences, as the Udemy Clone Script is highly customizable and has a wide array of templates and themes to choose from.
Read An Entrepreneurial Business Opportunity with the Udemy Clone
So, what are you waiting for? Launch your udemy clone app, to start your own online tutoring business in a matter of days with Expert Plus LMS, the best quality eLearning script by BSEtec. Contact us now!