Design Thinking: Get Started with Prototyping
Design thinking is a term that refers to the process of It may appear at first to be one of those hazy, ambiguous phrases that you hear and reject as a fad. At least, it was my initial reaction when I heard about it.
Design thinking, it turns out, isn’t just a fad — it’s a useful, impactful, and cost-effective way to solving complex issues in a variety of settings. And it entails a lot more than just pondering design and has also transformed how companies address large-scale issues such as enhancing their products, expanding their user base, and eventually making a beneficial influence on their consumers, the market, and beyond.
Learn How Prototyping Methodologies can help you to grow your Business
At the same time, any company may use design thinking if it is prepared to put out the effort and completely commit to the process. You’ll get a new creative foundation in exchange, which you may use to boost your business in any sector, design-related or not.
The purpose of creating the design thinking prototype is to improve technical capabilities
If you’ve been following our series of articles on design thinking, you’ll know that there are five main phases to this approach. So far, we’ve looked at the empathise stage and strategies for getting to know your target audience; the define stage, which looks at how to construct a relevant issue statement; and the ideate stage, which looks at different ways for coming up with fresh ideas.
It’s time to move on to the fourth and final stage: prototyping.
The design thinking approach necessitates the prototyping of concepts. User testing cannot be carried out efficiently without appropriate prototypes, which means designs will not be adequately validated before being delivered to a production environment.
Prototypes should be developed for the finest ideas from phase three. Users must be able to engage with actual, tactile representations of the concepts. For example, in the case of an app, the whole process of its use should be depicted, including onboarding, signup, and login screens, as well as the actual functionality.
Designers can use prototypes to come up with novel solutions that haven’t been thought of before. When a design team is not constrained by existing modalities or technology, they may build prototypes that defy such norms. It’s why so many designers still prefer pen and paper over software for creating early wireframes and prototypes—it allows them to create whatever they want without restriction and can be done in phases, starting with low-fidelity prototypes to get input from users and stakeholders. As solutions are refined, more functional and well-designed prototypes may be developed for user testing.
Prototyping will reveal any immediate problems in the concept without committing to a fully fleshed-out solution, allowing you to return to the ideation phase if required. You could find that a prototype works great with a few simple changes, or you might decide to abandon it entirely. The process is functioning as long as you’re learning these things and iterating.
Summing up
After you are done with Prototyping, you can start with the User Testing and Gathering Feedback. But, for that… where should you start prototyping from? You don’t need to think anymore! Protomock is here to take good care of your prototyping needs. So, why wait? Contact Protomock today!