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Storyboarding – Online tutoring instructor best friend

Storyboarding is not limited to filmmaking. Storyboarding is like a map to our eLearning process. We will see in detail the ABCs of storyboarding process. What is a storyboard? As the name suggests, the storyboard tells the story of the eLearning course, It is a tool, a document, slide deck, or prototype used by the

How to Create a Mobile-Friendly Online Course: 7 Must-Follow Rules

  Though eLearning is attributed to both PCs and mobile learning. It is totally different when customizing mobile-friendly online courses since everyone owns a smartphone people tend to watch online courses on their phones on the go, as they carry them everywhere.  Break Content Into 1-2 Minute Modules: The internet has dramatically affected our attention

What is Crypto Art? Know everything about NFT Art.

Crypto art is digital art that has been converted into unique tokens that are released on the blockchain as an NFT (non-fungible token). These are encrypted using a one-of-a-kind private key. The public key can be freely shared, but the private key can only be decoded by the artwork’s owner. Digital artists, visual artists, and

Why social media monitoring is important for your business?

The very shortest mantra that can take your business to places is “Monitor, Engage, Repeat”. By using social media, monitoring them, and engaging with the targeted audience your business goes to the next level. Here are some of the points indicating why we need social media monitoring for your business. Social Media Monitoring:  Social media monitoring

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