Software Archive

Why is Developing a Udemy Clone App the Right Idea for your E-Learning Business
December 16, 2020
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Elearning business means you develop an online learning application for getting more users and market share in the industry for online course content and instructor lectures. Even these eLearning apps are so helpful in cracking competitive exams for learners. What is the Udemy Clone script? Udemy clone script is the new and

The Best Udemy Clone Script In 2021 – Expertplus LMS
October 20, 2020
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Elearning industry is experiencing an incredible boom because of its increasing demand all over the world. Developing an eLearning platform requires more in-depth knowledge about information sharing and teaching. And in addition to that, you are required to have some more valuable resources, to begin. Nowadays, For development, all it needs is the udemy clone

How do you develop a learning management system?
May 22, 2020
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As the whole world is facing a crisis right now due to lockdown, it’s not possible to open an educational institution until we are back to normal after tackling the deadly virus. However, online courses have become a better alternative. Turn around virtually and all that you find is students attending online courses or zoom

Expert Plus an advanced & cost-effective LMS platform
October 1, 2019
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Learning management system is one of the best tool to study in this fast-pacing world. It’s almost hard for many people to find time to go to college in order to get degrees. While most of them choose to study in correspondence, that would anyway mandate the students to commute to exam centers to attend

Progressive Web Apps
September 4, 2018
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Progressive web apps is originally proposed by Google in 2015, they have already attracted a lot of attention because of the relative ease of development and the almost instant wins for the application’s user experience. It is a latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps. It is actually developed using web