Software Archive

Easy ways to build udemy clone app

Elearning is the fastest and latest approach in the digital world to transfer knowledge with tools like Udemy, so building a Udemy clone app can be a great way to tap into the growing e-learning market. Let’s see the right e-learning platform with the right strategies to create a successful E-learning platform like Expert plus

Best way to start your own freelancing clone script 

In the digital world, each individual looks for passive & recurring income and so starts their freelancing platforms. As part of the growing popularity of freelancing platforms like Networkplus – freelancing script, there is a huge demand for clone scripts that can replicate the success of these platforms. If you are considering starting your freelancing

Smart contract in supply chain management

Supply chain management is a 360-degree revolution across various industries like pharma, education, steel plant, construction, and food industry holds A-Z of industries but doing the right things is effective in supply chain management and thus smart contracts join hands to provide effective results. Let’s see what it can do. What is a smart contract?

Blockchain in online learning – A comprehensive guide

As online learning has become a mandatory part of the educational system post-pandemic with live class features, offline & online classes many educational organizations discuss and have a roadmap of Blockchain technology is revolutionizing various industries, and online learning is no exception. Blockchain has the potential to transform the way online education is delivered and

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