Blockchain Technology Archive

Zero-knowledge proofs: what is it and its role in blockchain technology

Advancements in blockchain technology with the integration of zero-knowledge proofs have significantly enhanced the privacy, security, and efficiency of blockchain networks. Let’s see more in detail.  What are Zero-knowledge proofs? Zero-knowledge proofs is a method for one party to cryptographically prove to another that they possess knowledge about a piece of information without revealing the

Cryptocurrency in banking industry – Impact of cryptocurrency in traditional banking

The rise of cryptocurrency has had a significant impact on the traditional banking industry. Over 425 million cryptocurrency users worldwide invest and utilize cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple which have gained popularity as a decentralized and secure form of digital currency. As a result, many banks are now exploring ways to integrate cryptocurrencies

How blockchain transforming the world of ecommerce?

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the world of e-commerce by providing a secure and transparent way to conduct transactions. More than 300 million people make use of blockchain for cryptocurrency. There are 82 million blockchain wallet users worldwide. This innovative technology has the potential to transform how we buy and sell goods and services online, and

we accept payment through

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