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Real Estate Marketplace – Key Things You Need To Know

The real estate marketplace is an internet platform that connects realtors, brokers, and property managers with their customers. Users can quickly browse through different houses, compare properties, and buy or sell them. Because more and more people are using online real estate platforms to purchase homes, investing in online real estate software or property listing

E-Learning Software: A Revolutionary Educational Tool

The impact of Covid-19 is significant and has converted the centuries-old chalk-talk teaching approach into a technology-driven one. The conventional learning environment, as we know it, is coming to an end. As the traditional teaching approach fades due to increased demand and possibilities for online education, there is greater availability of educational tools like udemy

7 beauty AR Technology Use Cases

Beauty tech try-on for the cosmetics industry and face editing functionality can be used independently or in conjunction with other apps. You can create some apps and features using the Face Beauty API. For many beauty firms, from makeup and offline salons to retail and entertainment, AR beauty technology has changed the game. Businesses can

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