Technology Archive

Can live streaming apps, onboard entrepreneurs?

Live streaming is a great tool for businesses that are just starting out and don’t have a huge advertising budget. It doesn’t require any special equipment, all you need is smartphones which are presented as per individual headcount in the family as essential needs in this technological world, so you can easily start streaming at

Is MetaMask a safe wallet? Tips to use Metamask 

Everyone who has heard of blockchain and Bitcoins would be aware of Digital Wallets like Metamask wallet. Still new to web3 and blockchain. Don’t worry, let me walk you through Internet databases and MetaMask which is the next evolution of the browser in the crypto world which uses Public blockchains like Ethereum. What is meant

Top 7 qualities in Udemy clone to learn Online courses

Learning is endless, you read magazines, and articles to keep you updated on things you are passionate about, many bloggers, and journalists just keep reading not only professionals but many students, and homemakers as part-time/full-time to know more technically, non-technically, social welfare, cookeries, fashion all just want to get updated but how this can be

What are dynamic or Living NFTs?

A dynamic NFT or NFT is a digital token that can change its properties based on external factors, with the changes being recorded in the token’s metadata. Dynamic NFTs include programmable and interactive features enabling the creation of digital assets that can transform over time, Dynamic or living NFTs are a type of non-fungible token

The Importance of Blockchain Security: Safeguarding Digital Assets

Blockchain security is of paramount importance in today’s digital landscape. With the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, it is crucial to safeguard digital assets from potential threats and attacks. Safeguarding Digital Assets is not only a code-related question but also pertains to preventing unauthorized access, tampering, and fraud within the decentralized network. Here are some

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