BSEtec Archive

Microsoft Rolls Out ‘Proof-of-Authority’ Ethereum Consensus on Azure

Most of the clients build apps based on ethereum in Microsoft Azure but it has rolled out a consensus mechanism that does away with mining. Proof-of-authority mechanism particularly replaces the proof-of-work mining process that is common in public blockchains. In the decentralized network, Proof-of-authority fundamentally requires the presence of invited parties as a proof of

BSETEC participated in iOS App Accelerator

iOS 12 and Siri Shortcut: As we are coming nearer to the new iPhone launch which mostly happens in September every year, we come nearer to the launch of iOS 12, where the way we interact with our iphones will change. To walk up side-by-side of the new iOS version and provide the best to

Start Digital Marketing through Blogging

Digital Marketing usually means the efforts for marketing via any digital device along with an internet. Almost all the business depends heavily upon the exploitation of the digital channels such as search engines, social media and via email. Digital Marketing is all about forming tactics for the digital platforms and creating a marketing campaign to

5 Major reasons for Datacenters to migrate to Hyperscale

Hyperscale refers to an architecture which expands and contracts based on the needs of the business. This scalability involving a robust system with flexible memory, networking, and storage capabilities. As the growth in number of users and business sign ups for software services and content delivered over the internet or private networks are increasing, massive

Important things you need to know about GDPR

  General Data Protection Regulation is the abbreviation for GDPR. Regulated in Europe by the European Union, GDPR is the major factor that needs to be considered for the data protection and privacy for all the users within in the European Union. When it is referred as European Union, it reflects on to the European

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