BSEtec Archive

Creating a Niche in the Online Food Delivery Business

The issue with meal delivery is more than just delivery. The world is shifting toward convenience and having food delivered to their door. It makes it much more difficult for meal delivery businesses to deliver food to customers’ doorsteps on time. Your competitors may provide the same or a lower-cost service in less time, so

Key Features Of NFT Marketplace

NFT marketplaces have become mainstream with the breakthroughs in NFTs like Nyan cat NFT and Crypto Punks NFTs! Many startups and business people are showing interest in launching their own NFT marketplace with the increasing demand for NFTs. But before rushing towards launching an NFT platform, you must decide on a set of features and

Digitize Your Educational Environment With Udemy Clone App

When it comes to projecting its market value in the near future, several reports on EdTech development use different statistics. They typically vary from $325 billion by 2025 (Research and Markets) to $375 billion by 2026 (Global Market Insights). Since most of these reports were published before the epidemic, we should expect this number to

Live Streaming Apps for Startups

Live streaming is a type of broadcasting that sends audio and video of real-time events to viewers via the internet. Live streaming apps are becoming increasingly popular in the professional sector because it allows businesses and organisations to connect with their audiences on a deeper level despite physical distance. Because it allows professionals to share

Trulia Clone App | Property Listing Website – How To Develop A Blockchain Powered Web3 NFT Real Estate Market Place?

Finding your dream home is only a few clicks away in this digital age. Everything is at our fingertips, from online education websites like Udemy to property listing websites like Trulia.  Apps like Trulia:  Trulia and other property listing apps provide an easy online platform for house hunters to find suitable homes for them, all

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