BSEtec Archive

Top 5 Factors Affecting the Working Prototype Quality

Nowadays, automation and mechanization have become the mainstream of business development. However, with rapid technological developments, businesses are creating digital products and most of it is based on an idea that has come to an entrepreneur’s mind. But, one must first understand the perspective of the clients or customers– whether they validate the idea too

Live Streaming for Education Keeps School Culture Alive

The ongoing developments and breakthroughs made by technology are impacting and reshaping every industry today, and education is no exception. As the Coronavirus pandemic rolled in– schools, colleges and universities have been shut down and all the students have been confined to their homes. This unprecedented situation has been depriving them of a significant classroom

Here’s Why Your Business Needs Its Own Mobile App

With the growing fondness of the customers to use mobile phones for their daily requirements, it has become the need of the hour for business to have their own mobile apps and to upgrade their strategies in order to keep moving on their path to success. Therefore, many young entrepreneurs, as well as old and

How Real-Time Video Streaming Can Benefit Your Business?

In this digital era, people are hooked to their mobile screens. Every business industry has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and thus, each industry is opting to create better digital content and innovate its business and marketing strategies. Making a good first impression and a great impact on the customer’s mind to capture their

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