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How does live streaming boost marketing?

A hotel in Japan is giving rooms for cheaper rent when the customer agrees to live stream their stay. This is a kind of a promotion that’s most likely to invite a large number of people to take part. Live streaming is becoming the trend all around the world with the increased use of smartphones.

Past/Present and Future of Freelancing

Freelancing has opened a wider opportunity for those who cannot commute to work as well as those who wish to work from home. Freelancing can also help in honing technical skills as it involves the usage of information and communication technologies. Since its inception, freelancing has undergone various changes in terms of its usage among

Digital Marketing Strategy for Food Delivery Apps

People have become used to technology, which is time-saving and convenient. The same is the case when it comes to restaurants. They rely on online rating, apps and the restaurant social media to choose the right restaurant. As a restaurateur, you need to strike the right chord with the digital marketing strategy. In order to

Scope of learning management in future

Learning management system, also known as an online learning platform is where thousands of students can apply without limit and get the degree or certificate they wish to easily. This system has gained recognition worldwide due to the plethora of tools that come handy with online courses. Development of information and communication technology has supported

Characteristics of a good LMS

A good Learning Management System meets both educational and training goals. With e-learning even less is more in the outside world as it drives the subject knowledge deep into the learners. It is gaining momentous fame in school and work environments owing to its credibility, compatibility and communicative nature. Online learning software is a place

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