BSEtec Archive

BseTec’s ASSETplus Hits the Market – The Ultimate Real Estate Management Script, Inspired from Trulia and Zillow

BseTec team has created its next exclusive script, the ASSETplus. The all new script, the ASSETplus has been launched and it allows creating a comprehensive property or real estate marketplace portal, almost immediately. With this intricately built template, the admin can manage unlimited number of users, who may be the buyers or the sellers or

Node.js- Brief Study

Node.js is an open-source, cross-stage JavaScript runtime environment for building up a diverse variety of tools and applications. It is not a JavaScript framework, a large part  of its fundamental modules are composed in JavaScript, and developers compose new modules in JavaScript. The things that we can do on the web these days with JavaScript

Scala-Easier scripting !

  Scala is a universally useful programming language. Scala has full support for functional programming and a solid static type system. Scala is also object oriented programming language which we describe as like JAVA. Mainly uses a curly-brace {} begin/end of the syntax and it is a common construct.Scala has lot of features when compared

Augmented Reality-way to enter an Virtual World

Augmented reality is a technology that integrates digital information and the user’s environment. In contrast to the virtual reality that is based on the artificial environment, the augmentation is typically based on semantic context and works in real time with environmental elements. Further, it helps to turn an individual´s perceived world into real world, with

Mongo DB-Review

MongoDB is a cross-platform and open-source document-oriented data model. It´s a kind of NoSQL database. MongoDB is built on architecture of collections and documents,which means,MongoDB doesn’t use tables and rows as in relational databases. MAIN FEATURES: AD HOC QUERIES: MongoDB carry field, range queries, consistent expression searches. Questions can get back to particular fields of

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