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A Custom-made Online Teaching Script for the Education sector

If you are wondering where to find an amazing readymade tutoring software script to launch your online teaching or online tutoring business then you are at the right place. Read further to find out how you can launch your online tutoring business seamlessly in a matter of hours!  Online teaching script or Online Tutoring Software:

How To Launch Innovative Hybrid E-Learning Platform In 2022?

Hybrid learning is an educational method in which students have options for both classroom learning and online classes. In the simplest of terms, hybrid learning can be defined as teachers taking both online and offline classes simultaneously for the students. Students who wish to join the class virtually can opt for online education while they

7 benefits of live selling for retailers

The retail sector could undergo a change because of living streaming. Particularly among generations that grew up with the internet, the confluence of video and retail is increasing in popularity. Live selling has been used extensively in retail strategy to improve sales and build customer loyalty. Besides these live selling offers you the following 7

7 Food Delivery Trends For The Coming Years

The advent of appealing, tech-driven, and user-friendly apps coupled with changing customer expectations has led to the major Ready-to-eat food delivery sector. With the pandemic, the food delivery sector got an enormous boost and came as a savior for the worst-hit restaurant business during lockdowns. Here are some of the food delivery trends that are

What is Social media monitoring and why it is important?

Social media isn’t only about posting pictures, socializing, and posting reels. It is a huge potent digital marketing platform for enterprises if used right. Social media is a platform for keeping your audience engaged and is a tool to attract customers, get customer feedback, and improve brand loyalty. But now with data science and other

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