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Top 5 E-Learning and EdTech Trends for 2020

E-learning industry has seen a vast growth since the past years due to its reliable nature and ease of access for the students from across the world. Certain industries have also considered E-learning to training their in-house employees to hone their skills. E-learning software has been customised accordingly by the Software development companies through the

Tools and Technologies used in E-learning Software

E-learning is becoming one of the popular ways to earn and many colleges and universities have also started using it as a great way to educate and enlighten the students effectively compared to classroom learning. Although classroom learning has its advantages, e-learning software can be used to enhance the learning standards and can help in

The latest trends on remote work and freelancing

Working according to your whims and fancies was never thought possible until now. Freelancers were generally seen as lone wolves, roaming from job to job, but nowadays peoples opinions and mindset has changed. Our open source freelancer clone, NetworkPlus, houses such freelancers and enables them to build a community of like-minded freelancers. People who are

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