Augmented Reality Archive

Latest Social Media Trends 2018 for Your Business Enhancement
May 16, 2018
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In the previous year, various huge stories included web-based social networking: Facebook tricked Snapchat clients to Instagram and Apple reported plans to change the way we interface with our smartphones. This year 2018, online networking is ready to make considerably more changes as various new innovation progressions go standard, and as social standards identified with

Develop Your Website With The Remarkable Word Press Trends 2018
April 9, 2018
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In this digital world, 2018 is considered as the WordPress development year. WordPress is becoming more popular among the developers and designers. Moreover, several creative and user-friendly websites have been developed using this Open source content management system. Therefore, below we will list latest design technologies that are likely to dominate in the upcoming year.

The Trending Technologies That Make European Firms Beneficial
March 27, 2018
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As several new technologies are raising heads to our digital world, every country is concentrating on those technologies to empower their processing power. Furthermore, DELL technologies recently released the survey report based on the research on how countries are putting their core focus on these technologies. As per the report, 12 global countries currently investing

Google Recently Launched ARCore 1.0 – Android SDK for Augmented Reality
March 8, 2018
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After completing trial phase, Google has introduced its Augmented Reality ARCore of 1.0 version. They have launched this portal with over 100 million of Android gadgets. ARCore allows developers to publish Augmented Reality game applications that communicate with the real world with the help of our camera. Moreover, developers will be able to create their

Do You Know About UI/UX Design Trends For 2018?
February 10, 2018
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Everything moves rapidly in this mobile world. Several innovations are taking place in this competitive world to compete with their opponents. To stand in the game of mobile UX design, developers need to strive hard and must have foresight for the preparation to face the new challenges around the corner. Now let us view 12