BSEtec Blog Bytes

Virtual Reality in HealthCare

VR has been making an impact in various fields in the recent times, however there has been an explosive growth in the field of Healthcare. More new VR Applications has been introduced exclusively for the healthcare industry. VR has been moving from being an

Foldable Smartphones

A creative company needs to be aware of all the time they have got some great thing that’s working but it’s not going to last and they need to keep updating new feature all the time. The year 2018 has been the year of

Docker Container Technology

Basically it is a tool that packages up an application and all its dependencies in a “virtual Container” so that it can be run on any Linux system or distribution. Docker can “emulate” Linux within its container space, but the client to do so

React Native vs Google Flutter

On the off chance that we will build up a mobile application it is vital to choose a suitable technology stack. We need to concentrate on adaptability, stability and how that technology unravels complex business situations. Numerous Companies putting to wind up the best

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