BSEtec Archive

Rule the Real Estate Market With Trulia Clone App

  The real estate market is a much different market than other businesses as it is the niche category where the customers are categorized by their buying capacity and location preferences. You can’t target the mass audience with the same products as the preference for the specific property for every customer makes it difficult to

Four Reasons Why You Need an In-House Social Network

  We as humans are all connected around the globe today, and we can share our memories, motives, thoughts, and everything with anyone on the planet now because of social networking apps like Facebook, Instagram, etc.  But is that the only thing that social networking apps are capable of? Instead of using Facebook, Instagram, or

Ultimate Guide to Compete with Elearning Giants in 2021

The Elearning Industry today is filled with eLearning software and even corporate giants are coming into the industry with high-end technologies and unique marketing strategies to acquire maximum market. Now if the maximum market is being acquired by the eLearning giants, then how would the new entrepreneurs and platform get some spotlight. Or what would

The Business of Freelance: An Increasingly Popular Career Choice

The freelancing industry today is creating an excellent opportunity for professionals around the world to showcase the power of their skills and creativity as here they don’t have bosses, working hours, limited pay, and any type of limitation. Freelancers can work for anyone, anytime and from anywhere. This sounds like a fantasy for professionals but

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