Kotlin – Rapid Growing Language
November 28, 2018
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Kotlin will check the type at a compile time, so its called statically-typed language and its developed by JetBrains. Kotlin syntax is more sensitive and compressed compared to other programming language like JAVA. It support more features like overloading, lambda, string template etc., than
Know about the new features on Android Studio 3.2
November 23, 2018
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Android Studio – the default development environment for Android developers, with an update to 3.2 has brought about interesting changes to the Android Studio ecosystem. Here are some of the most notable features you need to be aware of: Android Emulator Snapshots This feature
Rolling Code
November 23, 2018
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A rolling code transmitter is helpful for providing a highly secured encrypted RF (radio frequency) and also its more helpful in security systems. An encrypted RF transmission comprising the interleaved rolling code and trinary bit fixed code. A receiver decode the encrypted RF transmission
Google launches a VPN to Project Fi to improve the Privacy
November 16, 2018
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Google’s Project Fi mobile service offers individuals on its cheap pay-as-you-go data service and access to numerous systems. Notwithstanding, that setup additionally implies its harder for Google to make any cases about the destiny of your information as you switch from network to network.
Cost-effective Marketing Campaigns on Social Media
November 16, 2018
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Since the inception of Social Media Marketing, the cost that a company spends for the conventional marketing has reduced substantially as in the old days, companies should spend a couple of millions to reach a large target audience and would use to take surveys