BSEtec Blog Bytes

How Augmented Analytics Empower Businesses

To understand Augmented analytics we firstly need to understand the problems it solves.  We need to understand why generating insights from data remains a huge challenge for almost all business. Nowadays data analytics is very important for business and if it’s done in a

The Evolution of Chatbots and Voice Search

Nowadays Chatbots are emerging technology that doesn’t date back that long. Let see first the history of chatbot. The main functionality the chatbot is a computer program that communicates between human and machine using voice chat, text chat or both.  Chatbots continue to grow

Brilliant Javascript Frameworks

Before we discuss Javascript frameworks let see what is Javascript in a sort. A brief history of JavaScript. In 1995 Brendan Eich created JavaScript during his time at Netscape Communications. It was inspired by Java, Scheme, and Self. Netscape made the best browser in

Transform your React Development with Recompose

Let’s start the discussion with React. In computing, ReactJS is a javascript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by the Facebook community and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development for single-page

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