BSEtec Archive

How are Blockchain platforms increasing trust?

Blockchain technology is associated with high security and easy adaptability. This is one of the reasons why it is being used as a base to store data by many sectors. Cryptography is used to give ownership to individuals. The best part about blockchain is that it has a combination of public and private keys which

AI-based recommendation system feature in Expert Plus

As we use various utility applications, shopping websites, online media streaming sites and social media, one thing that we notice in common is the recommendation given by the app. Have you wondered where these recommendations come from? These recommendations arise out of a complex algorithm calculated by the system based on artificial intelligence. This is

Start a viral Mobile video streaming service

The virtual world has become a platform to exhibit talents and special abilities. A lot of people have gained recognition and fame because of social media. People have started using social media as one of the primary tools for their gratification. This gives a good opportunity for those who want to lead this generation of

Easy advanced online food ordering script

We are all explorers of food. In fact, food is”love” made visible. Foodies prefer take out as they enjoy the comfort of their own couch than the noisy atmosphere of restaurants. Restaurant and eatery owners, who are in a state of frenzy to gain new customers, have swooped into the online delivering trend. This is

we accept payment through

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