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9 New Elearning Trends & Predictions for 2021/2022 | Udemy clone App

Elearning began in the 1990s as a way to supplement face-to-face instruction. Elearning management system has evolved into a fashionable technique that outshines the method it was meant to assist throughout the years. Several technological, workplace and eLearning trends have wrought significant changes, exacerbating the decline of instructor-led training, particularly at a time when face-to-face

Building an eLearning platform from scratch? – BSETEC

Online learning platforms has become the new normal- as well as the part and parcel in the Covid-19 era, and this technological revolution has resulted in substantial changes in the world of education. In fact, it has fundamentally transformed the learning process while also proving to be helpful to businesses and educational institutions. As a

Make Learning Easy With Udemy Clone App Development

The constant growth of technology and the transition to the digital world have made it necessary for the entire industry to step up and build their online platforms to ‘be where their customers are’ and it has of course impacted the education sector as well. The moulding & adaptation into online learning modes have proven

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